

Why Mexico?

With the largest Spanish speaking population in the world, a growing economy, the world’s largest city, close ties to the United States and significant growth in the Evangelical Church, Mexico is clearly a strategic location for ministry to children.

There are around 30,000 church congregations in Mexico.

EGM's mission is to help these churches make disciples of the 32 million children living in their country.


EGM Update

EGM Mexico Board

EGM knows that every church around the world has people who love children. EGM-Mexico works to provide leadership development opportunities to equip these children's ministry leaders with the resources they need to help children follow Jesus.

Los Milagros de Jesus Book Cover FRONT 12-11-2017

The Board of Directors of EGM-Mexico is made up of Christian leaders from within the local Mexican community. These leaders are passionate about helping their local churches give Mexican children the opportunity to experience transformation in Christ.

Mexico LD 2

Most of the leaders who are ministering directly to children in churches are not in full-time ministry. They are bus drivers, bricklayers, dentists, and waitresses. But they are all united in their love for God and for children. EGM-Mexico provides culturally-relevant Bible teaching materials that are published in Mexico to help these leaders minister to children effectively.

Very proud Mexican young student showing her good grades received in her homework.

Support leaders across this country as they work to equip children's ministry leaders in local churches.

Join in prayer for EGM-Mexico

  • Pray for the boys and girls to know Christ and experience life-changing ministry in their local churches.
  • Pray for the day-to-day leadership for the ministry work in Baja and Oaxaca.
  • Ask the LORD to give wide distribution of Bible teaching materials.
  • Seek the LORD and ask Him to bring more support for the ministry from the Mexican Christian community.

With your help we can continue to develop:


Bible resources for kids


Discipleship training to help boys and girls respond to God’s Word


Vacation Bible School opportunities


Leadership development workshops